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Press Release - 2/10/2025

Eco Logic Dry Kilns, (ELDK), is very excited to announce, in collaboration with Higher Yields
Consulting of Denver, Colorado, the installation and operation of a large cannabis drying
chamber in the amazing new, state of the art Lake Leaf Cultivation facility. Located within the
Ojibwa Nation, Anishinaabe Tribe, on the Mille Lacs Reservation in Northern Minnesota, ELDK
is proud to be a part of this major project, teaming up with the Mille Lacs Band to process
highest quality cannabis in one of the largest and most advanced cultivation, extraction and
manufacturing facilities in the world. Our heartfelt thanks to all the wonderful people at Lake
Leaf Cultivation and the Mille Lacs Band, Higher Yields Consulting, Thermal Innovations Corp
and Dri Flower!
#drying cannabis, #ecologicdrykilns, #cannabis processing, #driflower

Pictured above is the Eco Logic Dry Kiln in South Africa.

After a long pause after the pandemic, Eco Logic is moving forward.
Our supply chains and manufacturing operations are fully operational.

We at Eco Logic Dry Kilns wish all our friends good health and much success.
Let us know how we can help your operation.
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